American Mythology

Unlike every other book or manuscript that we offer this is the only one that is neither theological nor scriptural in its subject matter. It deals exclusively with issues of secular history. However like all the others it is written in the interest of truth. Errors creep into secular history as easily as they creep into men's theology. And once fossilized and accepted as history they acquire a mythological status that raises them above criticism as it were. It is the mission of this book to expose and debunk some of the more prevalent myths of accepted American history.

This is a fun book. It is interesting and fascinating reading. It shows us that as far as history is concerned "political correctness" has been with us for centuries. It demonstrates the fiction of many of the famous episodes in American history and replaces it with the facts.

This book would entertain anyone with an interest in history and one need not be an armchair historian to enjoy it. It would be especially of benefit to home-schoolers. After all if your going to reject the public schools and their canned curriculum why not do the job right? And unfortunately most of the home school curriculums parrot the historic myths with great fervor. Traditionalism wins out over truth!

The book includes chapters on the following subjects and more…

1492 - Who really discovered America

Plymouth Rock -The actual first settlements in North America.

American Massacres - An exercise in exaggeration

The Alamo - What really happened.

The Great Western Myth - The fast draw as a Hollywood creation.

Myths of the "Civil War"

Remember the Maine - Fact and fallacy in the Spanish-American War.

Avenge the Lusitania - The myth of the innocent passenger liner.

The Great MacArthur - A study in public relations.

Abortion Myths - The actual history of this practice in our culture.

For some eye-popping, illuminating, and entertaining reading pick up this book. You will never read your newspaper etc. with the same confidence again.

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Home Slide toPerdition For Such a Time Guide to Chr. Recon The Devil's Advocate American Mythology God's Salvation