Sword of the Prophet

The Sword of the Prophet
By Serge Trifkovic
Regina Orthodox Press, Inc.
Boston, MA 2002

Reviewed by Louis F. DeBoer


This book is aptly  billed as "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam." It is also probably the best contemporary book on Islam in print. It thoroughly covers the history, theology, and practice of Moslems and of Islamic societies for the past 13-14 centuries. 

Chapter 1, which deals with the life of Muhammad, is alone worth the price of the book. The depraved and vicious life of this "prophet" is really all we need to know about the religion that he invented. 

Chapter 2 deals with the theology of Islam and is a primer on the chief tenets of Islam as espoused in the Koran. Cutting through the politically correct misinformation current in the media he reveals the true nature of this religion and what the adherents of the Koran are literally and logically committed to. In short he establishes that the perceived problems with Islamic radicalism and Islamic Fundamentalism, are really the problem of mainstream Islam; the problems of anyone who accepts the Koran as their sacred scripture.  

Chapter 3, entitled "Jihad Without End," is a primer on the history of Islam. He demonstrates with an abundance of historic examples how the Koran has been implemented over the centuries, and the vicious, intolerant, murderous, and repressive societies it has spawned.  

Chapter 4 is on "The Fruits of Islam" and documents issues such as Islamic law (Sharia) and the consequences of its implementation, Islam's treatment of women, Islam's continuing practice of slavery, and a host of other moral horrors, that are not only part of Islam's past, but also of its present. 

Chapter5, "Western Appeasement" is very revealing and will be a shock to most readers. He demonstrates the folly of the current "War on Terrorism" and documents how Western nations in general, including the United States continue to support and even fund radical Islamic nations, while turning a blind eye to their involvement in Islamic terrorism. 

The 6th and final chapter is a chilling expose of "Jihad's Fifth Column" the radicalized and growing Muslim minorities already resident in the West. 

I repeat that this is probably the best book on the subject in print. The author is a Serb and Orthodox in his faith. He freely espouses Christianity as the only clear alternative to Islam, frequently compares quotes from the Koran with quotes from the Christian Scriptures, and exposes the moral and spiritual bankruptcy of the West. He clearly sees this as not as a geo-political struggle, as much as a religious war between what is left of Christendom and the Islamic world. Until the nations of the West see that, the prognosis is not good.


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