The Divine Covenants

Covenant theology lies at the very heart of the Reformed faith. The assurance of our salvation rests in part on the fact that we have a faithful covenant-keeping God, who does not change but rules eternal in the heavens. This God has revealed his plan of salvation to his people in a series of gracious covenants. It is the identification and exposition of these covenants that is the very heart of this book. It shows the continuity and unity of these covenants, and that together they reveal to us the history of redemption, the fulfillment in time of God's great plan of salvation, decreed from before the foundations of the Earth.

It shows the errors of the dispensationalists who view these covenants as separate, isolated dispensations, which have in turn passed away. It also shows that the historical covenant theology of the Reformed faith, as reflected in creeds such as the Westminster Confession of Faith, although essentially correct, is somewhat inadequate. This book develops the two covenant system of the Reformed faith into the full scope of all the divine covenants revealed in the scriptures. This tremendously clarifies these issues and makes covenant theology much more understandable. It eliminates the inescapable confusion when a number of divine covenants are all subsumed under an umbrella concept such as "The Covenant of Grace". By keeping all these covenants distinct it is far easier to understand what the Biblical authors are talking about and exactly which covenant they have in view in their remarks.

The covenants that are expounded in this book are the following…

The Trinitarian Covenant:
The covenant between the members of the Trinity in eternity past wherein they decreed the plan of creation and redemption and the eternal kingdom of Jesus Christ.

The Covenant of Works:
The covenant made with Adam before the fall into sin.

The Noahaic Covenant:
The covenant made with Noah after the flood wherein God covenanted to preserve the world until the plan of redemption had been completed, the elect all called out, and the kingdom of God established.

The Abrahamic Covenant:
The covenant that God made with Abraham based on justification by faith

The Sinaitic Covenant:
The covenant made with Israel at Sinai where they were given the law, the schoolmaster to lead them to Christ.

The Davidic Covenant:
The covenant where God promises to provide an eternal king from David's line that will rule over a glorious kingdom that will have no end.

The New Covenant:
The covenant that actually accomplishes our salvation and is sealed with the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

If you would like to finally understand covenant theology and come to understand and appreciate all the divine covenants then you should read this book.

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