The Hebrew Republic

This book is about origins.  Origins are important.  Whether we believe that we were created in the image of God or are just a fortuitous combination of chemicals from some primeval slime makes a tremendous difference in how we live.  Similarly, what we believe about the origins of the American Republic will make a great difference as to whether we maintain a "Christian Republic" or evolve into the society of "1984".  Enlightenment rationalists, secular humanists, liberals, etc. would have us believe that the origins of the American system of government lies somewhere in the overrated dregs  of pagan civilization; in Greek democracy and in the Roman Republic. 

It is the glory of Wine's work to clearly establish that the system of government fashioned by our forefathers in 1789 was based upon the divinely inspired laws of Moses, and modeled after the Old Testament Hebrew Republic.  A republic that was established by God himself, who gave them their constitution at Mount Sinai. 

If you have ever wondered why we have a written constitution, a limited government, an elected president, and a federal union of separate states, each with their own state governments, instead of an all-powerful central government, Wines has the answers.  If you have ever wondered why we have the treaty making powers of the Senate,  a bicameral legislature composed of both the House of Representatives and the Senate, a separate judiciary composed of a system of graded courts, Wines will find them all for you in his exposition of the Hebrew Republic. 

If you have ever wondered why God, who instituted civil government, has according to conventional wisdom said nothing about its form and functions, and if it has ever struck you just what is a Christian Republic and what makes a republic a Christian one, then Wines will give you solid answers. 

The blessings of liberty, justice, and good government, are too precious to be left to the theories and philosophies of unbelievers and infidels, and the careful study of this book will do much to correct that fallacy. 

NOTE: The American Presbyterian Press edition of "The Hebrew Republic" has been sold out.  The Plymouth Rock Foundation has reprinted it under the title, "Roots of the Republic." You can order from them on their website at 

Additionally, we are able to offer an electronic version of this book that can be read online.  To access the electronic version please use the following link...

Hebrew Republic 

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